This form is for birth providers/businesses and community partners interested in sponsoring Postpartum Resource Center of the Triad's 2025 Community Day event, a free postpartum and maternal mental health event for the Triad community.
PRCT is excited to announce our first annual fundraising and awareness event, PRCT’s Community Day. PRCT has held postpartum mental health events in the past, including 'The Climb,' and this year we are moving to a local-focused event called PRCT’s Community Day. This change reflects our continued commitment to raise awareness of postpartum mental health conditions & highlight the importance of maternal mental health.
Vendor sponsors are to be birthing/perinatal/maternal specific. Non-birthing/perinatal/maternal specific businesses and PRCT Partners are invited to sponsor via Snack/Activity or Raffle Support. Vendors may have relevant merchandise available for purchase. Applications from multi level/direct selling marketing companies are not accepted. Only one business per table is allowed. By applying to be a Vendor/Sponsor, you are agreeing to the Payment & Participation Agreement. PRCT Partners qualify for partnership rates.
All vendors are asked to donate to PRCT's Community Day Raffle ($25 or more value).
Raffle items are to be dropped off at 1336 Westgate Center Drive, WS unless otherwise specified.
Sponsorship Options:
Vendor (covered) - $225
As a Vendor, your company will get a table at the event to display educational and promotional materials. You will also be given an opportunity to introduce your company to the participants at the beginning of the event (1 minute). Covered Vendors will have a provided table under the pavilion.
Vendor (uncovered) - $175
As a Vendor, your company will get a table at the event to display educational and promotional materials. You will also be given an opportunity to introduce your company to the participants at the beginning of the event (1 minute). Vendors that are "uncovered" will have a spot in the grass lot, near the pavilion. Vendors not under the pavilion must bring their own table, and are encouraged to bring a tent.
Vendor / Snack / Activity Combo - $300
This option combines the Vendor (covered) and Snack/Activity Sponsor Options.
Snack/Activity Sponsor - $125
As a snack / activity sponsor, your company will be listed as a sponsor at the snack or activity tables and be mentioned on social media. You do NOT provide snacks/activities, your sponsorship funds go towards them. Snack/Activity sponsors are welcome and encouraged to attend the event (and bring friends!). This option is also ideal for PRCT Partners that do not want to vendor or who are non-birthing businesses.
Nonprofit Vendor - $60
There are a select number of uncovered Nonprofit slots available. Nonprofits will get a table at the event to display educational and promotional materials and an opportunity to introduce your company to the participants.
Supporting Sponsor - $25+
Supporting sponsors donate a raffle item of $25 or more value to the Community Day raffle. Supporting sponsorship is a great option for non-birthing businesses that want to support PRCT's mission. This option is also ideal for PRCT Partners that do not want to vendor or who are non-birthing businesses. All Supporting Sponsors will be listed on the Raffle table. Please reach out to if you'd like to be a Supporting Sponsor.
Special conditions
Postpartum Resource Center of the Triad's (PRCT) Community Day
Payment & Participation Agreement
- Your payment reserves your space.
- Your registration is not complete without payment, and spaces will not be held without payment.
- PRCT's Community Day is held rain or shine.
- There are no refunds for this event.
- If you are unable to attend, you may not find your own replacement for your table, or sell your space to someone else.
Notice of Personal Liability Responsibility, Waiver and Release, and Participation Agreement:
- Sponsors, vendors and nonprofits are responsible for any necessary insurance, permits or licenses.
- Any sponsors, vendors and nonprofits offering food or food samples are responsible for the proper licensing and liability insurance.
- PRCT is not responsible for any losses or damages due to theft or other issues.
- Sponsors, vendors and nonprofits must ensure that they properly secure any items on their table(s) or in their vending space.
All sponsors, vendors, and nonprofits agree that Postpartum Resource Center of the Triad (PRCT) is not responsible for any claims, causes of action, liability, losses or damages for any property damage, loss or theft, personal injury, disability, death or other losses arising from or relating to participation in PRCT's Community Day. All sponsors, vendors, and nonprofits agree that PRCT cannot guarantee the number of participants. There are not refunds for this event.
All sponsors, vendors, and nonprofits understand the event is held regardless of weather. All participants agree not to sue for any and all liability or claims they may have for property damage and loss, personal injury, emotional distress, illness, disability, or death, related to participation in PRCT's Community Day. This release is for any type of claim, including breach of contract, fraud, or any other type of suit and includes losses alleged to be caused by the negligence of PRCT or its members, to the fullest extent permitted by the law.